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Pick up site locations and times

We deliver to 10 pick-up sites (including Springdale Farm). Please read the important pick-up information below...

Thursday Pick-up Sites:

133  Stafford St. 
1:00pm - 7:00pm

Springdale Farm
W7065 Silver Spring Ln. 
11:00am - 7:00pm

Sheboygan Echo
W1855 Echo Court 
1:00pm - 6:00pm

Sheboygan 6th St.
2220 N. 6th St.
1:30pm - 7:00pm

Sheboygan Carmen
1114 Carmen Ave 2:00pm - 6:30pm

651 Ohio Ave.
2:00pm - 6:00pm

455 Church St.
2:00pm - 6:00pm

14007 N. Port Washington Rd.

2701 E. Beverly Rd.

South Wauwatosa
1529 St. Charles St.


 Whitefish Bay
5748 N. Shoreland Ave.
1:00pm - 7:00pm

Find all of our pick-up locations on the map:

Wednesday Pick-up
Pick-up sites
pick-up locations


What do I need to do when I pick up my tote at my pick-up site?

Every tote delivered to your pick-up site will have a sticker with an individual’s name on it, and the list of contents of the tote. So you will only need to look for the tote that has your name on it. (If you have ordered extra items, then there might be a second tote with your name on it.)

If you ordered eggs, they will be included in your tote of veggies.

Once you have found your tote, remove the plastic liner bag with all of the contents and stack it neatly with the other empty totes.

Please bring back any egg cartons that we give you along with you the following week to be reused. Please do not bring back other containers that you may get from other stores!

Come to your pick-up site within the listed time frame!

If for some reason you can't make it that day, call your pick-up site host before the end of the pick-up time period. They may keep it for you until the following day (unless they're on vacation). They are under NO obligation to do so, and if they do not hear from you, they will find another home for your tote at the end of the allotted time. 


Whether a business or an individual's residence, your pick-up site has been generous in volunteering to provide space for our totes. Please treat them with the appropriate courtesy and respect! Do not call any pick-up site after 9:00 pm. Thank you!

Pick-up site FAQ
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